Discover Complete Fire Alarm Kits Shop Now
08/02/2021 • by Lynsey B
Paxton access control systems are split into two categories; standalone and networked.
Standalone systems are ideal for use to control access on one or more independent doors in a building. Standalone systems are commonly used for smaller sites with a small number of users. A token management is simple to use and the system can be extended easily if your requirements for the system change.
Networked access control systems provide you with a central control that can be controlled at a PC that is set up to each of the doors instantly. Commands you can give the central control includes opening doors, barring tokens and building lockdowns.
For sites managing multiple doors and users a networked system is ideal. The system can be extended easily and offers advanced features including event reporting, energy saving and integration with CCTV and other systems.
Access control systems are ideal to section who has access to which area of your premises. This can be used for areas such as a doctor’s office and hospitals who need to secure their IT rooms, filing rooms, equipment and customer private records. It’s also ideal to safeguard physical files, chemicals, biomedical waste, digital data, examination rooms and expensive and important equipment such as MRI machines.
Each member of staff can be personally linked to the system which means if they lose their fob it can simply be updated on the system to void it instead of having to change the locks.
If you link your fire alarm system to your access control system it will give you an instant list of people on site in an emergency. Employees will also have the freedom to work when they need to without having to wait for someone to unlock the doors which is ideal for flexible schedules.
By having an access control system in place it provides a secure and safe working environment that will only let individuals in the building who are provided with access. Not only this but it keeps your employees safe in the event of an emergency as using fail-safe locks. Doors will unlock when the power cuts out enabling people to exit the building without the need to look for keys.
At Fire Detection Shop we have a range of access control systems including access control kits:
If you have any questions about our Paxton access control systems, call us on 0800 999 2661 or email us on: [email protected].
15/02/2021 • by Lynsey B
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